DIT (Do-It-Together) Collaborative Paint Chip Banner
Looking for a fun and simple art project to do with your kiddos or friends? Look no further! With just a few simple materials you can make upcycled paint chip banners (or individual bookmarks) and fill an afternoon with art-making, collaboration, and silly antics around the table. Here at Illustoria we believe in inspiring creativity every day with the simplest of materials and the best of friends and loved ones. Enjoy!
Paint chip cards
Collage paper (old magazines, tissue paper, construction paper, etc.)
Pens or Crayons
For 3 or more people
1. Each person is given a paint chip, box of collages papers, pen, scissors, glue.
2. Set time for 2 minutes! Personalize the paint chip as much as you can, snip it/ glue stuff on it, doodle!
3. When the timer goes off, pass it left for your partner to continue for another 2 mins.
4. Keep going βround and add paint chips when you feel like one is complete.
5. Hole punch your paint chips at the top and use twine to string through.
Ta da! A collaborative paint chip banner made by you and your friends :-)